Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller says Ibn Battuta.
Solo traveling is something most of us have heard a lot of stories about from others but rarely do we see ourselves venturing solo into new territories. It tends to be something that we dread about or more often never take into consideration.
Most of this fear comes from what we have heard about the world and that not everybody is a nice person. We see daily incidents on news channels with stories which reaffirm our faith about the people ‘out’ there being covetous and smart that we do not consider traveling solo. Most people think it is not even an option.
Explaining your family or the ones who care about you that you want to travel solo is a task in itself. Due to all such reason and many more, we miss out on some of the very best experiences of our lifetime.
However, Chuck Thompson, the famous American sportscaster who has traveled across the world, has wise word to share. He says, “No place is ever as bad as they tell you it’s going to be.”
Once we travel alone, we get to experience a totally different side of our self and the world around us. We don’t have to keep in mind anyone else because there isn’t anyone else to look after! We can do whatever we wish to, we can go to any restaurant we please, any place we think of. Any Place! With the privilege of taking all the decisions on your own comes the responsibility of handling your problems on your own. You have to deal with people and situations on your own which is a smart experience in itself as it teaches you a whole lot of thing about how to deal with people and get things done.
Traveling alone helps us in learning a lot about ourselves. It helps us to know about ourselves like never and nothing before. We get to know if we want to travel alone or if we like spending our time being with people or else are we that kind of person who would rather read a book and enjoy our own company or meet new people and listen to their stories. It gives us the opportunity to do all the things that we couldn’t ever think about.
Traveling gives us the courage to tackle the unknown. At last, the satisfaction of having completed our trip and having been accepted by the larger world with all our vulnerabilities and courage, fears and strengths, changes our perception of the world. We meet friends whom we may never meet again for the rest of our lives but they will remain a part of your life forever and we would be a part of theirs!
Above all, traveling alone helps one stand courageous not only against the harsher side of the world but also helps our conquer our inner demons.
One should travel alone ‘at least’ once in a lifetime and experience the bliss. If not for anything else then just to know if or if not it is our cup of tea!
-Karanveer Monga
Edited by Priya Sharma
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