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Friday, February 7, 2025
First Generation Immigrant

What is it Like to be a First Generation Immigrant in the 21st Century?

Ever wondered what it is like to be a first generation immigrant in the 21st century? Click here to read Mrinaal's experience in Australia.
how to become an influencer

Tips for Becoming a Successful Instagram Influencer

People now are keener towards becoming successful influencers, whether it is on YouTube, Twitter, or even Instagram, but not everyone is fortunate....
childhood memories

Down the Nostalgic Road with Beautiful Childhood Memories

Sitting ideally at my home in the balcony looking at the empty street and the empty road, I went back in time...
indian journalism

Is Indian Journalism Coming Forward or Deteriorating with Age?

With great respect for the nation's true journalists, I inch forward to write this piece on the current stature of Indian journalism....

Charitism – Helping Hands Spreading Happiness In The Pandemic

When was the last time you just sat all by yourself, paused and thought about the things happening around you. Wondered whether...
social media accountability

Social Media Accountability: Compelling Reason To Think Before You Share

With the emerging of the shameful incident like ‘Bois Locker Room’, millennials have yet again taken it to their social media handles...
coronavirus in chandigarh

Coronavirus in Chandigarh- Lockdown Taking Toll on City Beautiful

The highly infectious virus, Coronavirus has put almost every country in its radar to hit them furiously. India is currently on the...
migrant workers in india

Migrant Workers in India & Their Incessant Plight in Lockdown

As the sun begins to shine on the shore with the arrival of a new day, a migrant’s forehead beams with the...
cyclone amphan update

Cyclone Amphan Update & How You Can Help

If you are done with Tik-Tok vs Youtube, roasting someone on social media, defaming people, putting false allegations and more. Then can...
gold price

Gold Price Skyrockets! Covid Investment comfort in Gilt?

Chances of CARAT magic in the air amidst lockdown? If the gold price in India are any indication, the answer is high!...