The Big Switch by John Thomas- BOOK REVIEW

Title: The Big Switch

Author: John Thomas

Publication: Notion Press

Blurb: What does a 24-year-old man want in life?


A decent job?

Keith has both. He is a software engineer at a reputable company and has a girlfriend whom he loves a lot.

Yet, there is something missing in his life. He is not even close to being happy.

Only after losing his girlfriend does he realize the reason for his unhappiness. He realizes that he is caught up in the wrong career.

With time running out, he knows that he must switch to a new career — one that makes him happy.

But… is 24 too late to do that? Is he making a mistake?

Find out as Keith follows his heart in pursuit of an impossible-looking dream.

Review: 24 year old Keith is a software engineer and honestly, he is also all of us. Who amongst us hasn’t had a passion that was left unfulfilled? You didn’t always dream of being a software engineer, right? You weren’t 4 years old and told your parents, “I want to be an engineer”. Astronaut, maybe. Doctor, even. But it was something you were passionate about, isn’t it?

The Big Switch

Now the question begs- where did that passion go? Can you re-ignite it? And most importantly, can you make a career out of it? The Big Switch explores all that and more. At first, you might find it a bit slow, going nowhere, but that makes sense because that is how our protagonist’s life is going- nowhere.

But once Keith meets a new manager, Ramesh, the book picks up pace. It is everything you hope for it to be. You also find the mention of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho which changes Keith’s life.

The story then progresses to discuss and showcase how passion can lead you to your destiny even if it is not something you began with. The book is nicely written with strong females characters too, which I personally love.

The writing is also crisp which keeps your interest in the story as a reader.

If you are looking for a little pick me up or some motivation, The Big Switch is a nice bet for you. It is no Alchemist but it will certainly motivate you to go after your passion. This is the kind of story that is going to stick with you for a while.

Certainly, this book is a good recommendation and do not let the story of a simple IT guy fool you. Sometimes, you end up finding the most extraordinary stuff in the ordinary. This book is definitely one of them.

Rating: 3.5/5

Price: 220+ 50 INR (paperback) Free on Kindle

You can buy it from Amazon here.

-Mrinaal Datt

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