How to stay motivated for New Year resolutions!

Have you put your New Year resolutions up yet? The ones that, you know, are not even in remote possibility of manifesting in real world. 😀 But it is cool to list them down anyway; no one ever suffered of trying once.

That is actually the fun part, because you don’t remember the New Year for fulfilling the resolutions, but for not even remembering the resolutions later.

But there are a few resolutions that you could actually list down for yourself, if you haven’t done that already.

For one, work for yourself: And that doesn’t really mean only financial independence. Do little things that would help you personally; even if that means learning driving. Groom yourself- you deserve this much. Today we are so engrossed in random stresses that we forgot how our own self has been taken for granted. The reason why the world is such a mess is that we tend to forget to love ourselves in the daily battles called life that we take upon ourselves. You cannot deny that there is an overrated feeling of hope and freshness attached to the new year.

But personally I feel that new beginnings are irrelevant of dates and years. It is when you decide to turn your life around: something that is oblivious of the time of the year. Maybe that’s why many of the resolutions don’t really happen for real over new years. We all have certain things in our mind that we plan to change about our lives.


And change is only necessary because its the universal order- as things evolve, they grow, and they change. But no matter how essential we make it sound, its not one of the easy things you do in life. It takes effort and energy. As you get to the frequency of self appreciation, you’d watch things falling in place. You can start from little things. And these very little things shall lead you to places you never believed you would go. Personally I believe that its all about adding colors to the otherwise gray scale routines. That’s how you would want a new year to look like- full of colors and emotions that make you feel better about yourself. Also, there are ambitions to be fulfilled, and goals to be achieved. Think new year is a good excuse to begin with those?

We can read hundreds of ideas about new year resolutions, but the ultimate destination is where you build a resolution out of yourself, and that is where new beginnings unfold. One really common resolution is losing weight. And the major reason about its failure is the intention behind it- you want to lose weight. You might want to switch that to getting healthy this year, because its the strength of the intention that catalyzes its manifestation; getting is stronger than losing for the mere positivity attached to it.

So maybe this year brings for us better beginnings, and more than mere change of dates. We can’t be so sure (hey realism) but the hope might do us some good. Let us only see for ourselves.

-Ananya Talwar

Edited by Mrinaal Datt.

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  1. For example, if one successfully sticks to going to the gym three times a week for the first two weeks of the year, perhaps a satisfying reward could be going to the movies with a friend.


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