KHALSA AID: Recognizing the entire human race as ONE

Khalsa Aid

ਹਿੰਦੂ ਤੁਰਕ ਕੋਊ ਰਾਫਜੀ ਇਮਾਮ ਸਾਫੀਮਾਨਸ ਕੀ ਜਾਤਿ ਸਬੈ ਏਕੈ ਪਹਿਚਾਨਬੋ 

hindoo thurak kooo raafajee eimaam saafee maanas kee jaath sabai eaekai pehichaanabo.

Someone is Hindu and someone a Muslim, then someone is Shia, and someone a Sunni, Recognize the whole of human race as one.

Khalsa Aid

Established in 1999, KHALSA AID is a Britain based NGO. It serves humanitarian aid in catastrophic areas and civil conflict territory.

Based on the Sikh principle of recognizing the entire human race as one, Khalsa Aid has been engaged in providing relief in the form of food, water, clothing or shelter to the needy irrespective of her/his stratum, color and/or religion. The NGO has a global presence and the scope of their activities is not curtailed within Britain. The Khalsa Aid has rendered relief at various locations around the world.Khalsa Aid

Having done various projects across the globe, these guys have mastered the craft of helping people.

Whenever a natural disaster strikes around somewhere, they have the first boots on ground. Khalsa Aid is not just restricted to providing people with hot and fresh meals but they are there to help out in any way possible. Other than serving langar (free meal served to all visitors without consideration of their religion, caste or color), Khalsa Aid volunteers actively commit themselves to constructing shelters, bathrooms for the down at heel people and even provide health care facilities if needed.

They even went forward to build a mosque for refugees in a refugee camp in Turkey. Also, they gifted a Quran to the imam as he didn’t have one. Despite being Sikhs, they built a mosque. In a world full of hatred and enmity, Khalsa Aid has proven to be an ambassador of love, affection and humanity.

It is currently involved in various projects at different locations around the globe. They are there in Bangladesh helping Rohingya refugees who come across from Myanmar. Khalsa Aid

Other than this, Khalsa Aid has set up refugee camps in Syria and Greece to help refugees fleeing from various conflict zones across middle-east.


Carrying out aid work comes with a heavy price tag. So where does all the money come from?

Since the day Khalsa aid was born, all their ventures have been supported and funded by people from different parts of the world. Not only Sikhs but folks belonging to different religions who believe in humanity and want to bring about a change in the lives of needy people, donate and contribute as much as they can. Volunteers organize awareness camps in various Gurudwaras across the world and motivate people to donate for the noble cause. Other than that, people help their cause by donating online.

How do people become a volunteer?

Volunteers of Khalsa Aid work together to clean up the mess created by humans in war torn regions. Other than that, these are the first boots on ground whenever a natural calamity strikes a region. They were there in Nepal helping injured and homeless folks when an earthquake shook the entire Nepalese territory. Aid workers from Khalsa Aid were there to provide food and fresh water to flood affected areas in Kashmir. These guys are present in Syria and Greece helping the refugees fleeing from conflict zones. If someone is one of those generous souls who still have faith in humanity, and seriously want to help out people in need, they can become a part of the Khalsa Aid family by contacting them.

-Sharanpal Singh

Edited by Mrinaal Datt

Read more about them here.



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